by Shandi Pace
Founder of Grappling with Grief, Jimmy Van, has had his level of tolerance slowly decline since becoming a business owner. Regardless, the one person he always gave a pass to was his sister Sheri.
They shared a lot of the same personality traits and were pretty good at dishing it out to each other. Sheri was always very smart, good at telling jokes and very quick-witted. One thing she was known for was constantly teasing Jimmy about his name. He was born James but always called Jamie at home by his family. There was always a way for Sheri to push his buttons.
Jimmy grew up his whole life a fan of pro-wrestling. That passion led to a story that Jimmy has heard dozens of times over the years, even at his own wedding. It was the night Sheri, their mother, and he went to the Brockville Memorial Centre to watch wrestling. Their mother knit the entire time, while Sheri complained about how fake it was. Jimmy, on the other hand, was living his best life.
Sheri married a man who was similar to her in the way they were good at dishing it to others. Jimmy says that Sheri was far superior when it came to that realm and will always remain one of the funniest and quick-witted people he’s ever met.
“About Sheri” is a video series about one of the people who inspired the creation of Grappling with Grief, Jimmy Van’s sister Sheri Gill.
Check out the entire About Sheri playlist.
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